
Walking on the brink of a precipice in the belief that man can make the right choice. This is just one of the aspects of a contemporary art that has never been seen before, complex, dramatic and peaceful. An art that draws the path of man revealing only what the spirit can do. Nothing already seen. Nothing comparable with the themes of other artists. Nothing already investigated in the history of art. From design to color, everything is discovering, everything is wondering, everything is the search for new standards in the informal. And here the works present a different center of gravity, a way of expressing the inedited light, a story of the human race never seen before. Giuseppe Menozzi, as a child, receives the gift and the artistic mission to reveal to the man his real path, his choices. A real gift recognized in him by Federico Zeri and other illustrious colleagues of golden years for pictorial research. Now the institutions ask for his exhibitions, in Italy and abroad. Over the years where it was necessary to go beyond reality to truly discover it in its torments and joys, Menozzi finds himself in the forefront. The journey of the spirit, made unique with the destiny of man, takes on the value of searching for truth, for choice and for the necessary consequence. A first cycle without compromises: “I Cavalieri dell'Apocalisse". A dramatic and violent second: "L'Evento". Two moments of true art history, far from fashion, far from the easy painting that characterizes the end of the century. Giuseppe Menozzi continues his work with exemplary coherence and the narrative drama of the previous cycle ends to the peace of the "Ciclo della Luce" also called "Ciclo del Tau". It is the painting that narrates the life, the colors that from the emotion become moods, an informal that rereads the existence of men, an informal to change. An informal that smells so much of figurative. In this case, painting really loses boundaries with reality, it really becomes a reading of existence. A difficult and complicated path, equally loved and recognized by the people, for an art that does not describe but changes the reality. In this historical period, culture has the ethical and strategic duty to make people think, and art has the function of helping man to live in depth attitudes, behaviors, decisions. In a world where fear seems to have become a rule, the search for spirituality becomes the necessary structure, secular and religious, to rediscover that Truth which is, day after day, solidarity and mutual attention. The center of gravity returns to human hands and the decision between fire and light does not allow for indecisions or doubts. (Giammarco Puntelli)

Works and Life

1999-Mixed technique on Ondulina table (123cm x 76 cm)

Sospiro e Verità
2007-Mixed technique on table
(60cm x 60 cm)

2016-Mixed media on canvas
(90cm x 70 cm)

Il Vento
2004-Mixed technique on table
(100cm x 70 cm)

Giuseppe Menozzi

Giuseppe Menozzi

Giuseppe Menozzi