Bruno Beltrami "Testimonial"

I joined the art world 10 years ago, accidentally, thanks to Giuseppe MENOZZI, and more precisely, thanks to his "Cavalieri dell'Apocalisse", a cycle of his artistic journey of an unrepeatable class, who belonged to a historical past. With his "Cavalieri dell'Apocalisse", Giuseppe awakened that desire for introspective analysis that was inside me, but latent and unsatisfied. With his "Cavalieri dell'Apocalisse", Giuseppe literally took me by hand and accompanied me towards the "Light", meant as a state of peace, serenity and quiet of the soul, achieved by the discovery, knowledge and interpretation of his current pictorial period, also called the TAU cycle. This inner peace achieved by our dialogues, our in-depth studies and the study done together of his works, brought within me a capacity for reflection such as to improve my state, both physical, mental and spiritual; now to pay back this precious gift received by him, I will try to give it back by passing it to others, because the gift was so great and the benefit so immense, that I cannot even remotely think of keeping for myself such an important growth opportunity ... it must be absolutely shared ... as much as possible. Again thanks to Giuseppe, I also had the fortune and privilege of meeting other artists, in particular Mauro CERESA photographer and Elvino MOTTI sculptor, who helped me to feel good, to make me feel in peace and in harmony with their respective works. Thanks my friends